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Startup - Early Assessment

Answer these 10 questions and receive your free assessment 

1. What are your motivations to get onto entrepreneurial journey? (select all that apply)

2. How committed you are to make this happen in next 6 to12 months (on a scale of 1-10)



3. Select your top strengths from the following (select all that apply)


4. Select the areas that you are not so great at, or, where you usually need external help (select all that apply)

5. Your idea is connected with which industry sectors (select the closest and check multiple, if applicable)

6. What best describes that you currently do and your approximate age?

Your approximate age

slide to your closest age

7. Have you ever worked for yourself i.e. outside of a day job and made money?



8. What approach you think is right to develop your idea and launch your business?

9. What is stopping you from converting your idea into a successful business?

10. At what stage you need (external) funding for your business?



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